deserts waded by sudden winds from north
lets talk about the levitation of heart
body entrenched firmly on the ground
the wondrous scene within the gaze
the overflowing soul in the fizz of joy
lets relapse tonite to the flights of fancy
gliding across all the great divides
lets relapse into those verdant green fields
overflowing with golden wild flower dreams
the endless sea of gold and green
conquerer alone and the envious mean
the shot of vigour and elation straight into the soul
the underdog joyous from a long dreamt triumph
lets walk down the deserted boulevard of joy
exulting within on all conquests bygone
lets walk along that starlit parapet
holding within the bursting river of joy
those waves of silk flaming through halo's of light
those slihouttes of stairways straight up to the skies
evanescent joys along the road of life
disappearing fast as I burn the miles
a promise to cherish this journey of life ,
the small gifts of joy, scattered & hidden along the road
Some gone by and some waiting for me way up ahead